Day 1


*These devo guides are just that: guides!  Do NOT feel pressured to do every single part.  It’s important that you know what your family is ready for right now.  A good rule of thumb for duration is 1 minute for each year of age (e.g., 4 yr olds can last about 4 minutes!!!).  Do more or less with each day’s guide as your family situation allows.  Success is gathering your family together to pray and open God’s Word together.  By God’s Spirit with you, you CAN do this!*

**For more resources to train yourself as a parent, challenge your older children (upper elementary through teens), or to simply go deeper, check out the Bonus>Extra Resources Tab in the app**.
  • Begin your family devo time with a prayer asking God to focus everyone’s attention on Him together.  Feel free to have one of your kids pray!
  • Say this week’s Gospel statement out loud together (in the picture above!)…feel free to have your family say it along with you, or repeat short phrases. Our goal is to memorize this phrase by the end of the week!
  • BIBLE TIME: Read John 1:1-4 out loud.
    • Challenge your children who are old enough to read to follow along in their own physical Bibles.


  • Family Discussion: What does John 1:1-4 teach us about God? Share out loud together.
    • He existed in & before the beginning.
    • He is the Word (in the OT, the word of God was often equated w/ God; the Greek word Logos for Word points to the Ultimate Reason controlling all things).
    • He created all things.
    • He is the Giver of Life.
    • He is the Light of men.
  •  Family Discussion: Who/What is God? Share out loud together.
    • From Question 2 of the New City Catechism:
      • “God is the Creator and sustainer of everyone and everything.  He is eternal, infinite, and unchangeable in His power and perfection, goodness and glory, wisdom, justice, and truth.  Nothing happens except through Him and by His will.”
    • These attributes of God can be summed up in the word “holy,” which means set apart, or other.  God is set apart from His creation, and yet cared enough to create us!
  • Family Discussion: What stands out most to you about who God is?


  • Take turns praying as a family and praising God for who He is in detail.
  • THIS WEEK‘S CHALLENGE: Have each family member share out loud about one person who needs to hear that God is holy and created us to be with Him.  Take time to pray for each person by name.
  • Have one family member or all re-state today’s Gospel statement: God is holy and created us to be with Him.
  • BONUS OPTION TO CLOSE: Listen & sing along to the song “Holy (1 Samuel 2:2).”