Day 1
**For more resources to train yourself as a parent, challenge your older children (upper elementary through teens), or to simply go deeper, check out the Bonus>Extra Resources Tab in the app**.
- Begin your family devo time with a prayer asking God to focus everyone’s attention on Him together. Feel free to have one of your kids pray!
- Say this week’s Gospel statement out loud together (in the picture above!)…feel free to have your family say it along with you, or repeat short phrases. Our goal is to memorize this phrase by the end of the week!
- BIBLE TIME: Read Genesis 3 out loud together.
- Challenge your children who are old enough to read to follow along in their own physical Bibles.
- Family Discussion: What does Genesis 3 teach us about God? Share out loud together*.
- *Take time to emphasize just a few of these points if you have a distracted audience…especially spend time on some of the last 4 points below if you have to shorten this time!*
- He walked with Adam & Eve in the perfect garden He had created (v. 8).
- He called to Adam & Eve even after they had sinned (v. 9).
- He asked questions of Adam & Eve not because God didn’t know the answer but in order for His creation to own up to their disobedience (v. 9-13).
- He did NOT curse man and woman because of their disobedience, only the things He had given them to rule over as His caretakers (v. 14-19).
- He made a way to cover up their naked bodies, which now shamed them because of their disobedience (God covered their shame in the first sacrifice: something literally DIED in order to “cover” their sin) (v. 21).
- He drove the man out of Eden, the place where God and man had lived together in perfect relationship (now broken because of Adam & Eve’s distrust & disobedience of God) (v. 24).
- Family Discussion: What stands out to you about God in Genesis 3? In the midst of man’s sin and disobedience, how do we STILL see God’s love and kindness?
- In verses 22-24, we read that God separated mankind from His perfect Presence. God says in verse 22 that the reason for this is that He didn’t want man to eat from the tree of life as sinners and live forever in their shame! It would take God removing Himself from the fellowship and daily friendship presence of humanity in order for there to be hope that we could be restored to Him like He intended from the beginning.
- Did you know that as sad as Genesis 3 is that God plainly points to hope for mankind to be restored to God? Re-read Genesis 3:15. When we carefully study the WHOLE Bible, we begin to learn that this little verse is prophetic (God declaring His plan before it happens). The offspring of the woman that bruises the head of the serpent (satan) is Jesus in His death on the cross!
- Take turns praying as a family. Tell God what makes you sad about YOUR sin. Then THANK Him for making a way for hope that we would be restored to Him.
- THIS WEEK‘S CHALLENGE: Have each family member share out loud about one person who needs to hear that God is holy and created us to be with Him, but our sins separate us from Him! Take time to pray for each person by name.
- Have one family member or all re-state today’s Gospel statement: Our sins separate us from God.
- BONUS OPTION TO CLOSE: Listen & sing along with either “Romans 3:23” by David Crain or “Come Ye Sinners” by the Worship Initiative.