Week 1, Day 1

Congratulations! You have just taken the first step in developing one of the most beneficial habits that you will ever develop. We encourage you to commit right now to see this journey through to the end. You have obviously made a commitment to learn more about God and ways to follow God’s plan for your life. This study is written to help you:

  • Experience real life change as a result of having personal Bible study as a priority in your life.
  • Take responsibility for your own spiritual growth.
  • Gain a strong foundation of Bible knowledge to build on as you grow and mature.

Because this study is designed to help you meet these very specific goals, it is very important that you work through the daily lessons in the order that they are presented. If you miss a day, pick up where you left off so that you don’t miss any important information that you will need to build on later. Do not skip ahead! This study will start slow and then grow as the weeks progress. The goal of this study is to help you learn to read the Bible on your own, without an outside guide like this one.

Some tips as you get started:

  1. This study should take about ten minutes each day to complete. Take a hard look at your schedule and decide where you can carve ten minutes out of your day. If possible, pick a time that won’t change from day to day or week to week. Consider this time your appointment with God, and don’t stand Him up! The ten minute study time is a beginning point; over the weeks this time should grow as you learn to study and spend more time with God in prayer.
  2. Come to your appointment with God prepared to learn. Bring your Bible (a study Bible with concordance if you have access to one), a pencil/pen (and a highlighter if you have one), and a notebook that you can use only for personal Bible study notes.
  3. Meet with God in a private place with as few distractions as possible. Begin your time with God by praying each day to ask Him to clear your mind of distractions. Confess any sin that might get in the way of your hearing Him clearly and hand over to Him any worries that might distract you and cause your thoughts to wander.

Expect great things! God’s Word is powerful.
READ: Hebrews 4:12 at least three times.
PRAY: Think about what you pray God will do in your life in the next few months of study.
Then, spend a few moments in silent prayer.

  • Write down your prayer, telling God how excited you are to learn more about Him and grow spiritually.
  • Thank God for speaking to you through the Bible and ask Him to give you a craving for truth.
  • Tell God when you plan to meet with Him every day and ask Him to bless your time together.

Right now, begin preparing for your time with God tomorrow.  Gather together the items listed in today’s reading and put them in the place that you plan to meet with God tomorrow.

Write down the time that you plan to meet with Him and lay it on top of those items in plain sight.
Tell someone that you trust about your plan and ask them to check up on you to see if you followed through on your promise to God.