Week 1, Day 2
Before we begin, make sure you have your Bible, a notebook and a pen with you. Start the time by asking God to help you stay focused on the study today. Let’s get started!
Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual disciplines are “the means by which we gain God’s perspective and align with His will” and include things like Bible study and prayer. While the Bible talks about, encourages, and even commands us to practice many of the habits that we consider spiritual disciplines, it doesn’t give us a definite list of spiritual disciplines to follow and does not actually use the term spiritual disciplines.
Over the years, many believers have used the Bible to put together a list of habits that they consider to be the most important to the spiritual development of followers of Christ. Over the next few days, you will learn about a few of these spiritual disciplines that we consider the most basic and most important to your personal spiritual growth. They are:
It’s important that you make these spiritual disciplines a priority in your life. They are the gas in the car of your faith and will help you get where you want to go spiritually. Without them, you are spiritually stalled right where you are and may begin to roll backwards, if you aren’t careful. Don’t let that happen! Great things are ahead of you.
Write today’s date and the title of today’s study in your notebook. Write the references of the verses that we read and the answers to the following questions there.
Read 1 Timothy 4:7-9.
Read your spiritual goal out loud to God and ask Him to show you His spiritual goal for you as you study His Word in the days ahead.
Promise to train spiritually by making the spiritual disciplines a priority in your life.
**Spiritual disciplines are intended by God to be MAXIMIZED in your life with OTHERS. Your Bible reading, journaling, and praying should happen daily on your own, but you need to have a habit of meeting with others in your church in order to share with them what God is teaching you (as well as learning from others what God is teaching them).
Our church loves to do this in DGroups that meet once a week all year long. Reach out to Dugger for help to join or start one!**
(This section is for those who want to learn more about the day’s topic and further practice their Bible study skills.)
Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
How is spiritual training different from other training you may have experienced? Which is more important? Why?
Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual disciplines are “the means by which we gain God’s perspective and align with His will” and include things like Bible study and prayer. While the Bible talks about, encourages, and even commands us to practice many of the habits that we consider spiritual disciplines, it doesn’t give us a definite list of spiritual disciplines to follow and does not actually use the term spiritual disciplines.
Over the years, many believers have used the Bible to put together a list of habits that they consider to be the most important to the spiritual development of followers of Christ. Over the next few days, you will learn about a few of these spiritual disciplines that we consider the most basic and most important to your personal spiritual growth. They are:
- Bible Study
- Prayer
- Connection with a local church
- Worship
It’s important that you make these spiritual disciplines a priority in your life. They are the gas in the car of your faith and will help you get where you want to go spiritually. Without them, you are spiritually stalled right where you are and may begin to roll backwards, if you aren’t careful. Don’t let that happen! Great things are ahead of you.
Write today’s date and the title of today’s study in your notebook. Write the references of the verses that we read and the answers to the following questions there.
Read 1 Timothy 4:7-9.
- Look at verse seven. What is God telling you to do?
- Look at verse eight. What promise do you find in this verse?
- Do you have any spiritual goals? Think for a minute about what you would like God to do in your heart and life. Write down this spiritual goal.
- Keeping today’s verses in mind, how do you think that you will reach this goal?
Read your spiritual goal out loud to God and ask Him to show you His spiritual goal for you as you study His Word in the days ahead.
Promise to train spiritually by making the spiritual disciplines a priority in your life.
**Spiritual disciplines are intended by God to be MAXIMIZED in your life with OTHERS. Your Bible reading, journaling, and praying should happen daily on your own, but you need to have a habit of meeting with others in your church in order to share with them what God is teaching you (as well as learning from others what God is teaching them).
Our church loves to do this in DGroups that meet once a week all year long. Reach out to Dugger for help to join or start one!**
(This section is for those who want to learn more about the day’s topic and further practice their Bible study skills.)
Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
How is spiritual training different from other training you may have experienced? Which is more important? Why?