- Begin your family devo time with a prayer asking God to focus everyone’s attention on Him together. Feel free to have one of your kids pray!
- Say this week’s Gospel statement out loud together (in the picture above!)…feel free to have your family say it along with you, or repeat short phrases. Our goal is to memorize this phrase by the end of the week!
- BIBLE TIME: Read Genesis 1:27 out loud (focusing especially on verse 3).
- Challenge your children who are old enough to read to follow along in their own physical Bibles.
- Family Discussion: What does Genesis 1:27 teach us about God? Share out loud together.
- He is Creator.
- He created man in His own image.
- He cares in a special way for humans.
- He made us male & female.
- Take turns praying as a family, thanking God for creating us to bear His holy image.
- THIS WEEK‘S CHALLENGE: Share the names of the people you mentioned during the last devo who needed to hear about God being holy and creating us to be with Him.
- Did anyone have a conversation with them yet? If so, how did it go?
- Share these names & pray for them all again.
- Have one family member or all re-state today’s Gospel statement: God is holy and created us to be with Him.
- BONUS OPTION TO CLOSE: Listen to the song “Holy (1 Samuel 2:2)” together, singing along with the words: