Prayer Guide: 11/20/22

Matthew 6:13 - [13] “…And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

ADORATION (worship, praise): Go read this verse from James 1:13.  Let the reality that God CANNOT be tempted with evil give you reason to praise Him in all His goodness and righteousness.  Because of this, God does NOT tempt people to sin either.  He is worthy of praise for being altogether good (see James 1:17 also).

CONFESSION (of sin): Take time to confess the reality of James 1:14-15 in your life.  Yes, it would be easier to blame God at times for the progression of desire->temptation->sin in our lives.  But the truth is it is not God’s desire for sin in our lives, but OURS.  This is supported by 1 Corinthians 10:13, where we learn that God in His kindness ALWAYS provides a way of escape when temptation arises.  What desires in your life are for sin that you need to confess and leave?

THANKSGIVING: Take time to tell the Father thank you for the truth of 1 Corinthians 10:13.  He always provides a way of escape so we don’t sin.  Further, we’ve been set FREE from the the bondage of sin because of Christ Jesus if our life is in Him (Galatians 5:1, John 8:31-37).  What a good God, Father, Savior, and Lord we have!

SUPPLICATION (requests): Ask the Father for your own deliverance from regularly-occurring evil desires that often bring you into temptation.  The best way to not sin is to really have no opportunity to, and that’s what this line in the Lord’s model prayer shows.  Pray that you and your family would grow today in righteousness and holy living, knowing that this comes from Christ alone (see Philippians 3:9).  Pray that our church would grow in holiness and righteousness as well.  We’ll never be completely perfect this side of heaven, but that doesn’t mean in our following of Jesus that we don’t become a little more like Him each day.  Romans 12:1-2 urges and teaches us this.  Finally, pray especially for our Pastor Search Team to be delivered from many temptations: to go ahead of God in the search of our next pastor, not being patient; to give in to disunity; to be full of pride and not humility; to be weighed down by anxiety and stress; to live in prayerlessness; to make decisions in the wisdom of man and not God; to let the responsibility of this task cause them to let their love for God, family, and friends slip.