See You at the Pole 2022 Prayer Guide


  • “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be [bring glory to] Your Name.  Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Adoration - Take turns praising God for being our Father (good & loving), being in heaven (He’s the King of the universe)
Confession - Take turns admitting your sin of seeking your own glory & kingdom instead of His
Thanksgiving - Take turns thanking God for Him wanting us as His children because of Jesus
Supplication (ask!) - Take turns asking for God to bring glory to His Name in you and in your school, and that His kingdom would come in the lives of friends who don’t know Him here in Iowa Park

  • Give us this day our daily bread,
Adoration - Take turns praising God for how he provides for you daily needs to live, go to school, & face difficulties
Confession - Take turns admitting how we sin by not being content with what God gives us
Thanksgiving - Take turns thanking God for meeting your needs TODAY in your family, your school, and in your church
Supplication (ask!) - Take turns asking for God to provide all that you
  • and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Adoration - Take turns praising God for making a way for your sins to be forgiven because of Jesus’ sinless life, death, and resurrection
Confession - Take turns admitting to God any sin you personally need to confess and leave; then take turns asking for God’s help to forgive friends, enemies, teachers, or family members who might’ve wronged you
Thanksgiving - Take turns thanking God that forgiveness restores relationships—to God and to others!
Supplication (ask!) - Take turns asking God for those around you to recognize the forgiveness you know in Jesus and for them to desire that same forgiveness

  • And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
Adoration - Take turns praising God for giving you the freedom to not sin, but to live a holy life that pleases Him because of Jesus
Confession - Take turns admitting your own temptations to sin and ask for God’s help today in school, on your phone, with your friends & family to flee from temptation and have a desire to do what pleases Him
Thanksgiving - Take turns thanking God for protecting you, your friends, & your school from evil of all kinds
Supplication (ask) - Take turns asking God for even more of His protection for you, your friends, your teachers, your coaches, your principals, & your family from evil of all kinds