Faith Baptist Church, Iowa Park
Church Profile

Statement of Faith

“The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith.  The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of ‘The Baptist Faith and Message’ by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1925, 1963, and 2000.  We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Christ Jesus personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind.  The ordinances of the church are baptism and the Lord’s Supper.”
Adapted from Faith Baptist Church Preamble, 2003

Refer also to the “What We Believe” section on the home page of our church website for further details from the “Baptist Faith and Message”.


Faith Baptist Church, Iowa Park was founded in 1955 as a mission plant from First Baptist Church, Iowa Park to serve the south side of town.  Since its founding, Faith Baptist Church has served the LORD through faithful worship and ministering to its community in numerous ways, and continues to do so today.


The mission of Faith Baptist Church is to KNOW God personally, to GROW in our relationship with Him, and to GO into the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Corporate worship:  ~325 people weekly
Sunday school classes (children, youth, adults):  ~240 people weekly
Children of Faith Wednesday night choir & class times:  ~80 children weekly
Students of Faith Wednesday nights:  ~50 students weekly


Pre-school VBS:  ~20 children in summer 2022
Kids’ Camp @ Camp Chaparral (3-nights):  ~200 children & 60 adults in summer 2022
Student Camp @ Falls Creek:  89 students & adult volunteers in summer 2022
Reality Student Apologetics Conference @ Dallas, TX:  24 students & adult volunteers in 2022  
Men’s Ministry:  Weekly Wednesday night Bible study
Women’s Ministry:  Multiple annual events
Grassroots Apologetics for Parents Chapter (GAP):  Starting January 2023


Local Missions:  Faith Baptist Clothes Closet (for adults), Faith Baptist ARK (clothes closet for babies and children), Homebound Ministry, Widows/Widower Ministries, Wichita Falls Pregnancy Center, Faith Mission Wichita Falls (homeless shelter), Camp Chaparral

National Missions:  Flagstaff family mission trip summer 2021 & 2022

International - Lauchbox spring break student mission trip through IGo Global 2021 & 2022